Or-Tec is a customer-oriented company that designs, manufactures and markets high quality sludge dewatering, chemical dosing, flotation, screening and conveying equipment. Virtually every application of our products is specifically designed to meet individual customer requirements and site specific conditions.
Or-Tec understands the customer’s needs, the problems to be solved and spending parameters. With this data, a “partnership” is created to assist customers achieve their desired objectives. Or-Tec provides products responsive to existing and future needs while insisting on complete customer satisfaction.
Sludge Dewatering
Or-Tec Belt Press, Belt Thickener and Rocker Screw press. Affordable, all stainless steel.
Micro Bar Screen
The world's only superfine mechanical bar screen with openings down to 1mm. No washwater, No brushes.
Constant Current Screen and Grit System
The Or-Tec Blue Whale Constant Current Grit System: A grit removal system which automatically adjusts based on flow
Septage Receiver
The Or-Tec Blue Whale Septage Receiver screens the waste directly from the septage hauling vehicle.
Rotary Brush Screens
Perfect for Membrane Bioreactors (MBR) and the headworks of WWTP
Screw Screen Compactor
The Or-Tec Screw Screen Compactor screens, compacts, washes and lifts screenings to a convenient height for ease of disposal.
Screw Auger
Or-Tec Screw Auger for transporting dewatered sludge and screenings horizontally, inclined and vertically
Polymer Dosing
Or-Tec Blend Polymer Dosing System: Efficient, affordable and dependable.
Flotation Systems
Or-Tec DAF Flotation System: Used by industrial manufacturers, food processors, for oil and grease removal and for COD/BOD and TSS reduction.
Get in Touch
Get in contact with us today to discuss the best solution for you and the evoment